Asbestos Management Services

At ACMS UK our surveyors and consultants are qualified to the highest level and trained to deliver a quality service, including;

  • Asbestos Consultancy Services and Management
  • Creation, or assessment of, an/your Asbestos Management Plan
  • Remedials and management of removals
  • Management and R&D Surveys
  • Inspections and Re-inspections
  • Asbestos Awareness and Responsible Person Training (onsite and online)

We can assist in identifying any risks, make good or project manage any issues and undertake targeted surveys that will ensure compliance.

Using the Vision-tag, our surveyors can also offer an alternative, safe and less intrusive way to manage ACMs (Asbestos Containing Materials).  Once located and using near field communication (NFC) technology, we can attach a Vision-tag to a location, be it a site, building, floor or individual room, scan and write to the tag identifying all the ACMs within that location.  From thereon in all your staff, contractors, suppliers have to do, is simply scan the tag with their mobile phone – having downloaded the Vision Mobile App – to know exactly what that area contains and what the condition of the ACMs are.

The Vision-tag also negates the need for signing in or out at site as the software automatically registers who has logged in or out.

Using the Mobile App for onsite asbestos data collection generates time AND cost savings as the information is uploaded to Vision Pro Software, our preferred software management tool, as soon as an internet connection becomes available, guaranteeing a quick turnaround time as there’s no need for report writing!  The data, whether digital or paper-based, will highlight any sample results and signify hot spots to give you a visual map of any ACMs present within your premises. There’s also the ability to up or download images, drawings, documents, certificates and even video footage.

Call for a no obligation quote on 0115 922 0600 or email